Wednesday, 27 February 2013

Finding Out About India

Mr Dove has been visiting all the classes in Mid Calder to tell them about his trip to India and Singhania School.  He showed pictures of the school and all the different classrooms.  The children were amazed at how big the school was!
P1 wanted to find out all about the animals and food from India.  P3 wanted to know about the Indian flag and famous Indians.  P2 asked lots and lots of questions about languages, traffic, clothes and everything else!

Sunday, 24 February 2013

The Romans are Coming!

P4/3 in Mid Calder have been learning all about the Romans and why they are an important part of Scottish history.  Here is their assembly where they told the school all about it.

P4-3 Roman Assembly from Mr Dove on Vimeo.

Wednesday, 20 February 2013

Mid Calder Visits Thane!

Last week Miss Cotter and Mr Dove travelled to India to visit our partner school, Singhania School in Thane.  We spent a week in the school visiting classes and teaching the children all about Scotland.  The children also taught us a lot about India and the different customs, religions, foods and lifestyle they have there.
Teachers and pupils from Singhania School will be coming over here in May and are looking forward to seeing our school and some of the sights around Edinburgh and West Lothian.
The school welcomed us very warmly.
We visited a lot of temples.
We saw some amazing animals and plants.
We showed them Scottish dress.
The streets were very busy.